Steady as she goes—with additional family • September 16, 2019, 11:15 PM
Things are still going well in the work environment preparation front. I finished processing the reel-to-reel tapes in April, resumed work on the 8-tracks and completed that two months ago, and have since begun work on digitizing my LPs. In the meantime I found a second batch of reel-to-reel tapes that I had forgotten I still have, and will be processing those next March and April in preparation for our church rummage sale—I'm too busy on the LPs to get the tapes ready for the October one next month. I'll also start working on my pre-recorded cassettes concurrently. After that I work on the 78s and 45s.
In the meantime, I've gained new family. My older siblings and I were adopted between 1958 and 1966. Last fall my sister and I submitted our respective DNA to In February I was contacted by a woman in Vernon, BC, who turned out to be the younger of my two biological sisters; we are all from the same mother but different fathers. I've since discovered that most of my ancestors on my mother's side came from Ireland.
Meanwhile, things are steady on the gig front. Cayenne Spice is in a bit of a state of flux, with no new gigs on the horizon at this point. Our choir at St. Augustine's, off for the summer during July and August, started up a new season a couple of weeks ago.
So it's steady as she goes. Stay tuned!