Jamie Fraser
More than just a church organist...a total musician.

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Note: In an effort to reduce costs, Jamie has reverted back to his old Toronto phone number. As of May 16, 2024, the number he activated in January 2023, (647) 453-9652, no longer works and will not be reinstated.

In order to separate the wheat we call legitimate calls from the chaff we call phone spam and misdialed calls, and because Jamie is not always able to get to his phone for logistical or music production reasons, your call will be sent to voicemail. Jamie will return your call as soon as possible.



Please note: Jamie's Facebook page, formerly under his own name, continues to attract occasional followers who are followers of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series and/or Sam Heughan, but of whom none has posted a single comment on Jamie's page about him or his music. This leads us to suspect that these people are following Jamie simply because his name happens to be Jamie Fraser, not out of any affinity for his music. Jamie Fraser is his legal name, under which he has been performing publicly since 1973. Because he does not want himself or his music to be associated to the Outlander franchise in any way, shape or form, he has refused to read any of the Outlander books or become exposed to related media out of a desire—and, indeed, a legal duty—to establish and maintain a sense of trademark distinctiveness (see the Wikipedia article on Apple Corps vs. Apple Computer for an example of a trademark distinctiveness issue that went to litigation). While the change in page name to Jam-Flo Music has significantly reduced the number of such "likes", it has not eliminated them entirely. Therefore, until further notice, all new followers' profiles will continue to be scrutinized for any reference to Outlander and/or Sam Heughan, and those that contain such references will be blocked unless the followers in question post comments on Jamie's page about his music (comments will not be accepted if they simply say something like "I like your music" without some qualifying statement).

This restriction will not apply to those new followers who are already personally known to Jamie.

In addition, certain of Jamie's supposed followers are behind Facebook accounts focused more on following as many pages as possible than on creating a legitimate presence on social media, perhaps to make Meta's servers work "overtime" unnecessarily, similarly to how spam e-mail slows the Internet down. In one case, the list of followed pages was so long that Jamie did not even bother to finish scrolling through it to see whether the "follower" was interested in Sam Heugan and/or Outlander. Assuming this "follower" account were legit, she would not have the time to read the feed resulting from so many pages. Therefore, all such would-be "follower" accounts will be blocked as well, along with any new profiles the people behind those accounts may create in the future.

All contents of this website © 2023 Jamie Fraser. All rights reserved.